(All articles will open in new window)
A Broken System: Web Of Enforcement
A Broken System: Wake Of Family Law
A Broken System: Court Of Parents
A Broken System: Oaths Betrayed In Family Law
A Broken System: Unconstitutionality Of Family Law
Parental Alienation Is Erasing Family
A Broken System: Timed-Out Custody
A Broken System: Misconduct and Whistle-Blowing
A Broken System: Contempt Of Family Court
A Broken System: Court Sanctioned Legal Abuse
A Broken System: Veteran and Service Member Mistreatment
A Broken System: Child-Parent Sanctity (CPS)
A Broken System: Stewards of Fraud
A Broken System: Parental Alienation
A Broken System: Gatekeeping And Alienation
All Politics is Local: Is Corruption That Way as Well?
A Broken System: Fighting To Be A Dad
A Broken System: Motions for Money
A Broken System: Halls Of Justice
US Families call on World Court to investigate DCFS CPS
Child Protective Services uses Children as Currency
Help, DCFS stole my Kids - 10 more CPS Horror Stories
DCFS-CPS Tactics and Philosophy same as Nazi Germany
TX DCFS kidnaps Kids because Parents went to the Media
Open Letter to America and DCFS from victimized Mom
Film Erasing Dad exposes the War on Fathers
Thailand: End Impunity for Enforced Disappearances
REPORT: U.S. Responsibility for Enforced Disappearances in the “War on Terror”
The Day of the Disappeared: Enforced disappearances continue unabated in every region of the world
54 Countries helped US torture, including Iran, Syria, Canada
For Fathers Day, Give Dad...A Chance
Federal Incentives Make Children Fatherless
REPORT: From Welfare State to Police State
Britain Scraps Child Support Agency While Republicans Remain Sedimentary
Excellent articles from Professor Jonathan Turley - BIO
Professor Jonathan Turley is a nationally recognized legal scholar who has written extensively in areas ranging from constitutional law to legal theory to tort law. He has written over three dozen academic articles that have appeared in a variety of leading law journals at Cornell, Duke, Georgetown, Harvard, Northwestern, University of Chicago, and other schools.
Suspect Arrested In Rape of 13-Year-Old Girl Was Deported or Voluntarily Removed 19 Times
Judge Indictments - Excellent articles from Professor Jonathan Turley and Case Law on the Indictment of Judges, Police Officers and other Government Officials
Seventh Circuit Rules Prosecutor Can Be Sued For Abusive Investigation and Misconduct