Secret Corruption In The British Foster Care System
By J.S. von Dacre
Investigative Journalist of the International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping
This week, the world gushed over the new baby boy born to Prince William. The future King and his wife, Kathryn, brimmed with pride and love mere hours after the birth, posing for the watchful eyes of the glaring media. Their small family, predestined to prosper as a secure unit with little threat of disruption, shall rest peacefully this night. And as London streets are overrun with delight and cheer, what about those other children–the ones whose ears shall not ring of the same joy? What of those innocent, young lives trapped in a British foster care system, denied of the same affection and adoration–or even family?
Each year, in Britain, the number of children being taken away from their family continues to increase. In a record high, the Fostering network has reported that across the UK, over 65,000 children live with almost 55,000 foster families. This comprises of nearly 80% of the 83,000 children in care, away from their homes on any one day in the UK. It further states that around 30,000 more children come into care over the course of 12 months, with similar numbers leaving the care system to return home, move in with another family member, live with new adoptive families, become subject to a special guardianship or residence order or move on to adult life.
Yet, amidst all these figures, a wicked disgrace has trickled onto the surface for more to discover. Hoards of children are being removed from their loving families by the government under fraudulent and unfounded circumstances, and being placed into British foster care.
Countless parents have found themselves being thrust into this nightmare from which there can be no waking, after their children were forcibly and unjustly removed by social services. Yet such stories remain surreptitiously hidden from the public, craftily concealed in that old hem of British bureaucracy.
Christopher Brooker, a seasoned journalist who, by his own admission, has reported on cases like these far more than other British journalists, wrote about his experience with two such stories in Sunday Guardian Live:
“In each case the police had forcibly assisted the social workers to remove the children into the “care” of the state. In one case this was in a school car park and, simply for protesting, the father was locked away in a nearby mental hospital.
“In the other case 18 policemen arrived early one morning at a well-ordered family home, which they reduced to chaos. They arrested and removed the husband and wife in front of their screaming seven-year-old daughter, leaving the little girl to be taken away by social workers.
“In each case the social workers produced in court the most extraordinary trumped up charges to justify what they had done. At least in one, a judge eventually returned three children to their parents, after finding that there was not a shred of evidence to support the social workers’ claims.
“But in the other, after a series of bizarrely one-sided court hearings, a senior judge ordered the little girl to be sent for adoption. Only recently has it emerged that, now she is 16, she has been able to escape to be re-united with her parents, and that while in adoption she was seriously abused and emotionally damaged.”
Brooker further disclosed the most convoluted excuse given by social workers in the British foster care in these situations.
“The most popular reason now given for removing children from their parents is not that they have been physically abused or neglected, but that they face “the risk of emotional abuse”.
“In other words, the social workers do not have to produce any evidence that children have suffered from genuine abuse. They merely have to claim that in their opinion, and that of tame “psychological experts” paid to support them, that there might possibly be a “risk” of the children being emotionally abused sometime in the future.”
Delve deeper into the roots of the British foster care system, and one may unearth its financial incentives–one that costs taxpayers billions of pounds yearly. Hard earned money is being stripped away from the British people to fund corrupt social services, legal systems and foster carers–some of whom have been known to be paid around £2,000 a week.
Years ago, investment bankers viewed the fostering system as a high private equity with a propensity for exponential growth.
The Financial Times revealed that Caretech, which also runs adult learning disability, children’s and mental health homes, became the first stock market-listed company to enter the sector in 2010, with the purchase of four fostering groups for £14m.
More and more studies reveal the long-term psychological damage that lingers with a child who has been unfairly torn away from their families–long after they have been returned to their homes. Yet, in the bigger spectrum of things where money is the real King, these children will continue to be pawns in a system that fails them–one that was, ironically, designed to protect them.
To learn more about the crime of parental child kidnapping and the help available to “left behind” parents, please contact the International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping.
Summary: British foster care
The victims of child & Human rights violation, if not getting timely and suitable justice in the court of law in their countries, can appeal to the INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT AGAINST CHILD KIDNAPPING.