International child abduction occurs when a parent, relative or acquaintance of a child leaves the country with the child or children in violation of a custody decree or visitation order. Another related situation is retention, where children are taken on an alleged vacation to a foreign country and are not returned.
Whenever one of the parents, takes a child out of the jurisdiction without authorization of the court that granted the sole or joint custody, or violates any international terms or treaties of a valid court order, that is considered as International Parental Child Kidnapping/Abduction.
Abductors may be other family members or their agents. Although in most cases the abductor is a child’s parent. This crime may include incidents in which children are detained or enticed away from the custodial parent. Criminal custodial interference can also be defined to include interference with a court order of, time- sharing visitation or access.
Every year, more than 200,000 cases of international parental child kidnapping are reported in the United States alone. It is common for the removal of a child to occur during a heated or emotional marital dispute, in the early stages of separation or divorce, or in the waiting period for a court custody order or agreement.
Way too many cases of international Parental Child Kidnappings INTO USA have been reported from countries all over the world, including Australia, France, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, Spain and the United Kingdom. It makes us wonder… What is wrong with the corrupted judicial Family Court System in the “Land of the Free”?
Why doesn’t the USA comply normally with the rules and policies established by The Hague Convention? Instead, the USA is violating the human rights of these abducted children, who are mostly brought as illegal aliens, keeping them wrongfully retained in the country. Obviously, this is a strict violation of US Federal Immigration laws as well as a violation of international laws and treaties, such as the United Nations Convention for the Protection of the Child and the UN Human Rights Convention.
In addition to these unfavorable circumstances created by a abusive family court system, the tense and hostile situation between the perpetrator and the left behind parent are most certainly be emotionally troubling to the innocent child, who happens to be a victim in the scenario.
Kidnapped children are at high risk for long-term psychological disorders including; anxiety, eating disorders, nightmares, mood swings, an adverse or mistrustful attitude; social withdrawal, alienation; hopelessness; a chronic feeling of disaffection, sleep disturbances, and aggressive behavior. As adults, child victims of international parental kidnapping may struggle with identity, relationship, and family issues.
The harm done to the searching parent and abducted child, the siblings of the kidnapped child, and the friends and relatives of both the child and the searching parent is well documented. The injury done to society from the occurrence of such a crime and the resulting lost faith in the criminal justice system is immeasurable. This harm, reflected in the estimated 200,000 INCOMING parental kidnappings that occur yearly, has resulted in these cases taking on a new importance to United States prosecutors.
Parental kidnapping is increasingly recognized as a form of child abuse. In its least aggravated form, kidnapping may in still in the child a fear of the police and authority figures, or teach the child to be secretive, change his or her appearance, or avoid making new friends, have mood swings, etc. Kidnappers may emotionally abuse the child by falsely claiming the searching parent is dead or no longer loves the child. Parental child kidnappers may neglect the child's health and education. Finally, in its most severe form, kidnapping may result in physical abuse, sexual abuse, or even murder.
Regardless of the form it takes, the consequences for the child are undeniable and may leave permanent scars. It is estimated that between 10% and 40% of all children who are abducted become severely disturbed. This harm is exacerbated in cases of international parental kidnapping. The additional burdens of culture shock, language barriers, and the more acute feelings of isolation and total separation from the child's former life increase the trauma the child must endure. The searching parent will also suffer additional trauma.
Often, the greater distance separating parent and child, the difficulty of navigating in a foreign culture and legal system, and the increased costs of searching for the child, all combine to heighten the parent's feelings of frustration and despair. There are two typical scenarios in international kidnapping.
In the first, an abductor returns to his or her native country, where there is usually a strong support network in place. In the second, an abductor flees to another country such as USA primarily to further deter any attempts to locate the child. In the latter scenario, the abductor usually flees to another jurisdiction with the same language as that of the abductor or to the closest border. It is estimated that one in five parental kidnappings involve taking a child across an international border, and this number will increase. As international and/or intercultural unions and dissolution's increase, and as international transit becomes easier, state and federal prosecutors and investigators will find themselves called upon more often to deal with these cases. Prosecutors and investigators must become familiar with methods to secure the safe return of the child. Prosecutors and investigators will also be called upon to discredit the myth that parental kidnapping should be dealt with exclusively in civil court as a family matter.
It incredible to state that there is ZERO criminal prosecution in USA for INCOMING PARENTAL CHILD KIDNAPPERS who travel into THE UNITED STATES, and use the abusive and corrupted Family Court System to unlawfully retain children within the US soil, mostly with the support of heartless, lawless and "bad acting" family court judges.
Parental child kidnapping is a crime, recognized as such in the United States by every state, the District of Columbia and the Federal Government. However, USA does NOT recognize INCOMING child kidnapping cases under their criminal laws.
Does this makes America a paradise for INTERNATIONAL parental child kidnappers?
Here is an example; while in a marital dispute outside the USA, the non-American mother secretly decides to leave her non-American spouse… She plans her escape, moving into America with their child with no consent of her husband and no intention whatsoever to return to her home country.
She flees, settles down finds a new partner and doesn’t contact her husband at all, cutting all bounds between the child and his father. However, she ENTERED the USA, and that is where the foreign father is unprotected, this crime it’s not penalized in America, when you travel to the United States. If she would have been GOING OUT of the US she would have been severely punished.
In this case, the mother has committed The Federal Crime of International Parental Kidnapping. Convicted offenders of this crime can face up to three years in prison.
There is no punishment in the Criminal Law of the USA, for wrongfully keeping foreign children in the United States. It’s outrageous! USA seems to be a Haven for International Child Kidnappers, which are supported by "Sanctuary City" judges, who protect illegal immigrant child abductors and become COMPLICIT in the crime of parental child kidnapping.
"Australian Govt in collusion with child kidnapping mother"
60 Minutes Documentary how the Australian Government became COMPLICIT in an International Parental Child Abduction case.
Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Australia should not be a refuge for wanted people to hide from crimes against children. We are waiting for you to act on child sex offenders, parental child kidnappers and people that have committed offenses against children.
Dear Minister Turnbull,
Australia is not a Safe Haven for Crimes against children!
If your children have been wrongfully retained in the USA (or any other country across the world), please contact us immediately. If you have evidence that the parental child kidnapper (i.e. your spouse) has been "supported in the crime parental child kidnapping" by a "COMPLICIT" and lawless Government Official/Judge, its time to enforce and restore your human rights.
Our Tort Claim Remedies combined with other legal strategies as well as the enforcement of International Treaties and Conventions are powerful legal tools how you and your children can fight back. We only act in your child’s best interest, and make this always our highest priority to restore their human rights, reunite you with your children by enforcing International Laws and Treaties to hold all "bad actors" accountable under International Tort law!
If your Human rights or the rights of your children have been violated, and you would like to file a Tort Claim for monetary damages, please talk to us to enforce your and your children's human rights and hold the perpetrators accountable!